Author: C.T.
Aroma: a wonderful fresh breeze, pine & a pleasant dust note
Texture: slowly pulls, then breaks apart in a glass like way..
Appearance: transparent, light tan-amber, glossy
Smoke/Taste: Great, reminiscent of the Revolution Jugrnaut Diesel that had that wonderful fresh breech, outdoors, earthy greatness. Very pleasant and smooth to boot.
High: The most productive high EVER! Seriously.. Took 2 hits in the morning and I have nonstop been checking items off the long term list (the always ignored, never motivated enough to do list, like mail-in-rebates type shit, actually did the one that’s been on my desk for a month..). Its kind of amazing.. Im a big fan because basically taking a dab of this equals a productive day. It’s awesome.
THC 1.47% THCA 77.65% CBD 0.30% CBDA 0.22%