Monday, January 20, 2020

707 Headband (Wax) - 3.8/5

Author: C.T.

Aroma: bit of mothball
Texture: like slightly dry & light ear wax
Appearance: golden orange with a slightly dried out whiteness
Smoke/Taste: smooth, citrus, nice... light hashiness.. but it made my nose tickle, but I did take a big ol hit..
High: Pretty chill.., smart, remembered to take off dome less nail before it got cold and solid (making a water change difficult), way to go me!
THC 7.94% THCA 72.0% CBD 0.37% CBDA 0.18% & CBN 0.67%

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Categories: All Posts, Concentrates, PTS


Monday, January 20, 2020

707 Headband shatter- 3.5/5

Author: C.T.

Aroma: little, hard to assess.. light honey note.. 

Texture: like a tight but transparent caramel, stretched quite a bit before ever breaking, not a traditional shatter.
Appearance: transparent caramel, bit on the dark side of tan..
Smoke/Taste: has a bit of a pine note, a light hop flavor, nice, relatively smooth as well 

High: Very nice THC 6.01% THCA 76.86% CBD 0.28% CBDA 0.61% & CBN 1.99%

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Categories: All Posts, Concentrates, PTS


Monday, January 20, 2020

Wild Thai (Shatter) - S - 3.65/5

Author: C.T.

Aroma: light dust aroma, hint of kiwi..
Texture: breaks clean, thankfully doesn’t actually “shatter” too much (not a fan).
Appearance: has a clarity, golden, glossy.
Smoke/Taste: Hits clean, some light tropical fruit comes across in the flavor profile.
High: Instant, has a clarity of thought even though I’m currently nice and high.. Feeling nice, adds to score. 

THC 1.96% THCA 83.33% CBD 0.27% CBDA 0%

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Categories: All Posts, Concentrates, Sativa, PTS


Monday, January 20, 2020

Wild Thai (Live Resin) - S - 4.25/5

Author: C.T.

Aroma: brite floral aroma..
Texture: Gritty crystals stuck in an aromatic sauce of goodness.
Appearance: deep orange in the densest zones, a light gold where thinned.. An iced sheen throughout.
Smoke/Taste: smooth…, a clean candy hit.
High: Thoughtful, introspective… so this is what its all about… very hmmmm, incredibly totally.

THC 5.40% THCA 83.82% CBD 0.22% CBDA 0%

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Categories: All Posts, Concentrates, Sativa, PTS


Monday, January 20, 2020

Wild Thai (Crumble Wax) - S - 4.16/5

Author: C.T.

Aroma: Citrus predominates with a floral note finishing out the aromatic profile.
Texture: Classic wax, can be formed with the fingers, not sticky, handles easily.
Appearance: Matte, opaque, almost a light olive green look that hues toward a tan in places..
Smoke/Taste: Hits pretty smooth, some of the floral aroma translates to a nice light hibiscus note on the pallet. A bit more of that classic Wild Thai note would bump this up to the fabled 4.20/5 mark.
High: Insprational, clear headed, motivated. A great sativa high.. Focused. 

THC 5.48% THCA 81.91% CBD 0.20% CBDA 0%

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Categories: All Posts, Concentrates, Sativa, PTS



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