Pineapple Express (Live Sauce) - H - 3.9/5

Pineapple Express (Live Sauce) - H - 3.9/5

Aroma: Opened container to a bouquet of flower filled vases on a table with a large tropical fruit platter.. Bright citrus funk, kiwi but with more depth… Its like a new shoe, almost a chemy note (but in a good way, like lavender fabric softener sheets..). hard sweet candy..
Texture: sand in a goo, with some larger crystalline chunks swimming in tarp sauce.
Appearance: Light golden with some deeper areas, there is one large (the largest actually) chunk of diamond hanging on the side of the container, he’s going to be 1st to go..
Smoke/Taste: Smooth hitting, the fruit comes through nicely, very pleasant. A fun funk finishes out the hit, overall quite nice…
High: Thoughtful, calm, reflective, relaxing yet not sleepy. Everything a hybrid should be.

THC 8.868% THCA 57.386% CBD 0% CBDA 0%

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